Moms Backyard Farm Chickens

Mom’s farm chickens are happy in her backyard. They are not in cages and can freely come and go into the chicken house.

She has 15 chickens that vary in type:

  • Black Sex Link
  • Maran
  • Buffington

The Backyard Chicken’s Diet

Mom purchases Purina Layena Crumbles to feed her chickens. The chickens like this quite well and they are happy with Purina.

throws left-over table food into the chicken yard

Chickens are not vegetarians and will eat a wide variety of table scraps. Mom frequently throws left-over table food into the chicken yard and they like it quite well! Additional to liking it, they are getting variety in their diet by having access to a variety of food.

Purina Chicken Feed

As a treat, the hens go bonkers over meal worms. The Hentastic brand of meal worm treats are 100% natural and delicious!

The Chicken Coop

Mom’s backyard chickens appear happy and content in their yard.

The Hen House

The hens have a chicken house to roost in at night and nest boxes to lay eggs in during the day.  Mom cleans the chicken house every day. This is one of the most important chores of chicken-keeping. The hen house has to stay clean!

The Nesting Boxes

Inside the chicken house are the nests where the hens lay their eggs. Each nest has a clean layer of sawdust shavings where the hens happily lay their eggs.  Eggs are collected by hand from the nests one or two times a day.

Mom's backyard chickens henhouse
Mom's nesting boxes for chickens to lay eggs