Henhouse Blog

Moms News from the Henhouse

Sad Day

2 baby chicks with the mother hen in the yard.

It’s a sad day in the hen house. The last 2 baby chicks have gone missing from the yard. Something has gotten all 4 of the babies. They kept getting out of the yard by squeezing through holes in the wire fence. Mom would shoo them back in when she could. Could have been theRead More

New Chicks Tonight

moms young chicks

Mom’s new chicks are big enough to join the yard. She will put them in the big henhouse tonight to roost with the other hens all night. That way, the new hens will understand where they are supposed to sleep at night, and won’t be confused about where to go.

Featured Chick: Betty

moms featured chick Betty

Betty is a pretty cool chick. She’s pretty even-keeled and doesn’t scare too easily. She’ll readily come right up to anyone and anything to investigate, but then will lose interest and wander off to something more appealing like bugs in the grass.

Chickens in the Snow

Chickens in snow

Like much of the east coast, Mom got some snow recently in Westminster, MD. How do chickens react to the snow? They didn’t seem to mind too much, as you can see from the photos. Mom put up a curtain across the doorway to the hen house to keep some heat in. She also recentlyRead More

What to do with discarded egg shells?

discarded egg shells

When mom cooks eggs, she doesn’t throw the eggshells away, she will crush them up and feed them back to the chickens because it provides calcium that the chickens need. Mom’s Daughter: “Why do you do that?” Mom: “… so I don’t waste nothing…” The hen’s diet has to include a certain amount of  shellRead More